all postcodes in L22 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L22 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L22 8QA 39 1 53.476892 -3.035106
L22 8QB 29 0 53.47674 -3.032872
L22 8QD 33 0 53.475703 -3.033269
L22 8QE 57 4 53.477379 -3.032767
L22 8QF 66 7 53.476806 -3.031244
L22 8QG 54 1 53.478191 -3.035514
L22 8QH 29 0 53.476277 -3.03215
L22 8QJ 7 0 53.475428 -3.030701
L22 8QL 41 0 53.475566 -3.031199
L22 8QN 31 0 53.47623 -3.032588
L22 8QP 40 0 53.47422 -3.031138
L22 8QQ 3 0 53.477575 -3.037126
L22 8QR 37 1 53.474287 -3.030673
L22 8QS 24 0 53.475114 -3.030648
L22 8QT 40 0 53.474341 -3.029665
L22 8QU 7 0 53.474177 -3.029917
L22 8QW 15 0 53.477679 -3.034447
L22 8QX 4 1 53.474791 -3.031634
L22 8QY 31 0 53.477435 -3.033627
L22 8QZ 44 0 53.478903 -3.034251